Deed In Lieu of Foreclosure

Is It Possible To Hand The Keys Back To The Bank And Walk Away From Your Home With No Debt…

And Get Cash For Doing It?

The answer is, maybe.

If you have decided that the financial burden of a home is too much, and the bank agrees, you may qualify for a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure.

The Deed-in-Lieu of Foreclosure process allows a borrower who is in default, and who does not qualify for any other loss mitigation options, to simply re-convey the house back to the lender. Sometimes the lender actually gives you cash for doing so! However, offering a deed-in-lieu back to the lender can have significant tax, credit or other financial liabilities, so it is important to have an attorney represent you.

The Maryland Deed In Lieu of foreclosure Attorneys at The SOS Law Group regularly negotiate deeds-in-lieu of foreclosure on behalf of our clients. If you are considering a deed-in-lieu, simply complete our Fast Contact Form and one of our attorneys will be in touch with you immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions About Deed In Lieu Of Foreclosure

What exactly is a “deed-in-lieu of foreclosure (DIL)?”
How do I qualify for a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure?
What is an acceptable “hardship” situation?
What is the deed-in-lieu of foreclosure process like?
What if I have no equity or I am upside on my home?
What if I have a 2nd mortgage or tax lien on the property?
Why would the bank agree to a DIL?
What are the tax and financial implications of a DIL?
Will the lender pay my relocation expenses?
Will a DIL help me stop foreclosure?
How will a DIL affect my credit?
Can I be in bankruptcy and apply for a DIL?
Can I do a DIL myself or should I pay someone to represent me?
How do I start the DIL process?


Start your road to financial recovery now!

To determine if you qualify for a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure, call The SOS Law Group at

Or simply complete the Fast Contact Form on this page and one of our attorney’s will contact you.

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